Monday, June 29, 2015

And so we meet again....

Yes, it has been almost 3 years (10/09/12) since my last blog post, at which time our bags were packed and we were anxiously awaiting the arrival of our baby girl. Why the 3 year blog hiatus? Well, several reasons…

1.   Shortly after 10/09 we had our sweet baby girl (10/12) and life got chaotic and exhausting! The kind of chaotic and exhausting that no first-time parent can adequately prepare for. I don’t care how many baby blogs, books, or gadgets you buy/ read. The first two months of new parenthood are intense! And admittedly I struggled to shampoo my hair and shave my legs in the same shower, let alone write blog posts.

2.  I began this blog as a resource for those going through IVF and/or a type-1 diabetic pregnancy. When we saw this road before us, I struggled to find personal, relatable resources instead of those coming from medical journals (aka scary). Three years later, I’m proud to say that this lil ole’ blog has been shared countless times over with women that I know and do not know, who are struggling with fertility. I hope they have found it honest and refreshing.

So why am I back, writing again today? As we embark on a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET), I am hoping that this blog will once again be useful as a resource for those struggling with infertility and/or type 1 diabetic pregnancy.

After 2 years 9 months of “trying” to get pregnant again, the hubs and I are ready to be more “intentional” about our fertility and know that organic pregnancy is just not in the cards for us. We chose to begin this summer and not sooner because if successful on the first round of FET, our children’s birthdays would be separated by nearly 6 calendar months (May & Oct). Hello, happy party-planning! Yes, I realize this is an “unfair” advantage, but one that I will fully take advantage of.
And so the journey begins…..

For those struggling with infertility, I encourage you to read Hebrews 11. Yes, the entire chapter, which focuses on Faith in Action. I believe that all acts of conception are of great faith. The chances of conceiving each month are so small; it is truly some of God’s best work in action.

Hebrews 11:11 And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she considered him faithful who had made the promise.