Friday, December 30, 2011

Why walk when you can run?

Despite my strong dislike for running, I’ve always been one who is running down the road of life.

October 2010, the month that I thought I would conceive….. Until then I had planned my life quite successfully and had secured the hubs and a job all according to my timeline (perhaps even ahead of schedule) and set up our happy little home in MD. I joke now, but had I known the difficulties we would have conceiving, I wouldn’t have spent the first 4.5 years of our marriage avoiding it like the plague.

Fourteen months later, the hubs and I are faced with a diagnoses that I never imagined, male-factor infertility. Although this is much more promising than lady issues, it’s equally as frustrating because there is no known cause other than genetics. So I resolve in 2012 to get pregnant, the unglamorous and scientific way via In-Vitro Fertilization.

This blog is a new year’s resolution of mine, a way of educating those who have provided support to me and as a resource to those facing similar issues as mine. It might not always be pretty, but I will try my best to be honest about what is going on and to maintain the humor and faith that has made it possible to take this journey thus far.

Welcome to my journey! It’s no longer a race and I’m no longer running; I hope that you’ll enjoy taking the journey one step at a time with me.