Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Our bags are packed...


and we’re ready to go. Last night was only the third time that I’ve un-packed and packed our hospital bags, changing my mind about what to take and how much to take each time. I think I’m finally settled and know that anything I need along the way the hubs could always run home to get. When deciding what to pack I consulted other mommy friends, mommy blogs that I follow and of course the plethora of parenting emails you receive the minute you conceive. Below is what I’m taking:

Mommy & Daddy’s bag

(for mommy)

Flip flops- who am I kidding, my feet will fit in nothing else

1 pair of socks

Mini apple juice boxes and hard candy (blood sugar control)

2 nursing tanks, purchased from Target in a heinously large size! I’ve heard that Glamour Mom tanks are the hotness but plan to see what disaster size I’m working with post-delivery.

2 pairs of comfy pajama pants

1 nicer lounge outfit including a robe (thank you Nana)

Hair tie and clips

Make up (I know, I know, we’ll see if I actually use it)


Other toiletries including a hair dryer and straightener (I have grand delusions)

My pillow

Comfy underwear (I’m told these are a must)

Nursing pads and absorbent maxi pads (I cried when I purchased these)

All current medicine that I’m on (insulin, etc.) and a list of these


(for Daddy)

Long sleeve shirt


Gym shorts


Singles and coins for the vending machines

Being a man is so easy!!


(for Distraction)




Trashy Hollywood magazines

Flip Camera


Finley’s bag

2 Aden and Anias receiving blankets (Will these live up to the hype?!)

2 pairs of scratch mittens

Hand sanitizer

2 pairs of socks

Brush and hair bows

Nail clippers and file

Fleece blanket

The cutest going home outfit ever- photos forthcoming!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Don't worry, be happy.

Today I had my last perinatology appointment prior to delivery. It was bittersweet as I’ve grown friendly with even the receptionist after seeing them so frequently. Finley received a bio-physical and growth sonogram and had the following stats:

Weight: 7lb. 12oz. (+/- 1lb. variability)- measuring on time!

Hair: plenty of it!

Amniotic Fluid: 9.56*

*The AFI levels have me worried, as ideally they should be 10-20, and until now have been. My Doctor was unalarmed and told me that all women’s fluid levels decline at this stage in pregnancy, diabetics of course worse so. As the baby grows, the fluid levels shrink. He said that if I had been delivering next week, they might consider taking her early but since we’re delivering this week all is well.

At all bio-physicals they rate Finley on 8 points (including cord blood flow, respiration, movement, heartbeat, AFI levels, etc.) Today she scored a 7/8 due to the fluid levels and then I promptly fought back tears.

Moment of honesty, I’m a perfectionist and I don’t like that I couldn’t keep her at an 8/8 throughout the entire duration of pregnancy. I needed a quick reminder at how blessed I’ve been to date with good health and minimal worries and that God is in control- don’t worry, be happy. I also needed a reminder that there are going to be many things that happens in Finley’s life beyond my control and as her mama, I just simply need to try my best and place my trust in God.

So I leave you today with a bible verse providing me inspiration…

Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Our birth plan.

First and foremost, we don’t have one! While I am constantly seeking to control things, I have been very calm and peaceful about the thought of birth and decided that the less information and the less planning I did, the better.

As I mentioned in my previous post I will be induced 1.5 weeks early as there are mixed reviews in carrying to term in moms with type 1 diabetes. Based upon Finley’s last growth scan, she should weigh between 8 and 8.5lbs. - a healthy baby girl! It’s weird to imagine, but this time next week I’ll be in the hospital preparing to meet our little girl sometime over the weekend. Finley’s fur sister Lola will turn 6 years old on Saturday the 13th and we’re hoping that our girls will share a birthday.

So what I do know about labor and delivery is that:

-          I will most likely enter the hospital on Thursday for cervical ripening with cytotek. As my Dr. said to me this week, “she’s in your tonsils.” It appears that I’ve created too good a home for her and according to my cervix; she’s not ready to come out anytime soon. I will head to the OB’s just prior to heading into the hospital for one last check and see but mentally I’m prepared for this additional step.

-          I’ve been told that the process of labor and delivery (burning calories without eating any food) will be a lot like a “chemistry experiment” in terms of managing my diabetes. I will be in the high risk unit and will finger prick a lot, be on an insulin drip and glucose drip, and just try to work to balance everything. Both my OB and Finley’s Perinatologist will monitor both of us very closely.

-          Induction will begin early Friday morning and I’m told it could take 24-hours of pitocin prior to getting into labor- yikes!

-          The hubs and I are prepared for the long haul and don’t anticipate this being a speedy delivery.

What I do know is that as I’ve been reflecting on past blog posts, I’m very much looking forward to every drop off sweat and tear I shed in the process of bringing Finley into this world. Reading this post the world I know now from the world I knew then seems so distant and it’s merely been 37.5 weeks. I cannot explain how much my heart has grown these last 38 weeks and how much my love will grow for this precious baby I’ll meet so soon.

I ask that you pray for our next adventure and the journey getting there next week. God is so good!